Google have announced last week that their in-market audience targeting tool will soon extend to Google Search Campaigns.

In-market audience targeting has been around for some time, but was previously only available for Display Network and YouTube campaigns and was only able to target users based on a few things: the related ads they click on, the content of the sites they visit, as well as frequency of site visits.

The new, updated version will find signals of purchase intent in search information, and use the data to help you target more qualified leads.

For example: let’s say you sell energy-efficient cars, and someone has done multiple Google searches for other energy-efficient products. If that person gives off signals that they’re interested in buying a car (through their Google searches), Google can now target your ad to this person, knowing that they’re also interested in saving energy.

This better, badder version is a fantastic opportunity for marketers to target consumers who are more likely to purchase.

Why should you care?

Google’s in-market audiences is an amazing tool for targeting potential buyers, and even more so now with the intelligence it’ll gain through Google searches.

With Google’s use of Search for in-market audiences, you’ll be able to target your ads to these groups of highly valuable potential buyers, while wasting less budget on queries which have unclear purchase intent.

Google haven’t as of yet released a date to which this will be fully available, but history tell us that it could be up to a year. You can read Google’s announcement here.

We’ll keep you posted!

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About Steph Von der Heyde

Our resident wordsmith’s love of digital lured her over from advertising to the online space, where she fell in love with content marketing. Since coming to the online world Steph has made her mark on all outgoing CleverClicks copy and is passionate about using words to build brands. Her obsession with the writing is rivaled only by her love of trail running, yoga and green juice. When she’s not submerged in content strategy you’ll find Steph in Downward Dog.

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